
Store policy

1. General provisions

These rules on purchase and sale (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) determine mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Buyer and JSC “Dagmita” (hereinafter referred to as the Seller), when the Buyer purchases the goods in e-shop.

2. Conclusion of purchase and sale agreement

Purchase and sale agreement between the Buyer and the Seller shall be considered concluded from the moment the Buyer clicks the button “Confirm Order” after having formed a shopping cart in e-shop, specified delivery address and familiarized himself with these Rules. The agreement shall be valid until full execution of the obligations under the provisions of the agreement. Each agreement concluded between the Buyer and the Seller shall be kept in e-shop of JSC “Dagmita” .

3. Rights and obligations of the Buyer

3.1. Under these Rules and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, the Buyer shall have the right to buy goods in e-shop.

3.2. The Buyer (user) shall have the right to waive the purchase and sale agreement with the Seller after notifying the Seller in writing within 7 working days from the date of delivery of the goods in accordance with the Order No 258 on the approval of the rules on the sale of items and provision of services where the agreements are awarded by the means of communication of the Minister of the Economy as of 17 August 2001. The Buyer shall have other rights specified in the Rules and legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

3.3. The Buyer must accept the goods ordered and pay the price for goods and their delivery.

3.4. If the information submitted by the Buyer in the registration form have changed, the Buyer must immediately update them and inform about that.

3.5. If the Buyer does not like the size, pattern of goods, scope of supply, etc., he shall return the goods by his own transport or shall pay the return-related expenses.

3.6. The Buyer must observe other requirements established in the Rules and legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

4. Rights and obligations of the Seller

4.1. If the Buyer is trying to impair the work of e-shop or its stable operation, the Seller may, without giving a prior notice, restrict, suspend (terminate) his access to an electronic shop.

4.2. The Seller shall have the right to interrupt the operation of e-shop temporarily or indefinitely without separate notification.

4.3. The Seller shall have other rights established in the Rules and legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

4.4. To enable the Buyer to use the services provided by electronic shop properly.

4.5. To organize the delivery of goods ordered by the Buyer to the address indicated by the Buyer.

4.6. In the event of serious circumstances and being unable to deliver the ordered goods to the Buyer, the seller shall undertake to offer a similar item to the Buyer, and if the Buyer refused to accept a similar item, try to order and deliver the required item as soon as possible having agreed this with the Buyer, if possible.

4.7. If the purchased item did not meet the quality requirements, the Seller shall undertake to replace the item of poor quality with the item of suitable quality, to reduce the price respectively, or to return the money paid for the goods and the delivery within 7 days after submission of the request.

4.8. If the agreement is terminated within 7 days, the Seller shall undertake to refund the money for the return of orderly item within 7 days.

5. Delivery of goods

5.1. The goods shall be delivered by a courier service within 1-3 working days after the receipt of payment for the goods.

5.2. Upon receipt of the goods, the Buyer must verify together with the carrier that the consignment is undamaged. If the consignment has been damaged, the Buyer must mark this on the document (bill of lading) of transfer and acceptance of goods. After acceptance of the goods and signing the document (bill of lading) of the transfer and acceptance of the without any comments, it shall be confirmed that the consignment has not been damaged and properly delivered.

5.3. The price of delivery of goods depends on the weight of consignment. The price for delivery of bulky goods also depends on the volume. The final price shall be reported and agreed with the Buyer by e-mail or telephone.

5.4. The goods shall be delivered to the address indicated in the order data sheet. The Seller or an authorized representative of the Seller shall not be responsible and shall not check whether the goods are withdrawn specifically by the person indicated in the order. It is the responsibility of the Buyer.

6. Return of goods

6.1. The return of goods purchased in e-shop shall be carried out on the grounds of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Order No 258 on the approval of the rules on the sale of items and provision of services where the agreements are awarded by the means of communication of the Minister of the Economy as of 17 August 2001 and the Order No 217 on the approval of the rules on the return and exchange of items of Minister of the Economy as of 29 June 2001.

6.2. The goods, which the Buyer does not like because of their shape, size, colour, pattern or scope of supply, shall be replaced or taken back by the Seller at the shop of JSC “Dagmita” , within 14 days from the date of delivery. Delivery-related expenses shall not be refunded. The Buyer shall return the goods he does not like by his own transport or shall pay the return-related expenses.

6.3. If the Buyer has decided to terminate the agreement and informed the Seller, the Buyer shall lose the right to use the item from the date of dispatch of the notification. The date and time of dispatch of the notification shall be determined based on the time the Buyer has sent his notification. If it has been determined that the item was consumed (used) after the dispatch of the notification, the Seller shall have the right to refuse to terminate the agreement.

6.4. The Buyers can take advantage of the right of return if the item has not been used; it is not damaged, and has not lost its commercial appearance. The scope of supply of returned goods must be complete. The Buyer shall be responsible for full scope of supply of the item and its packaging. If the scope of supply of the item is not complete and improperly packaged, the Seller or his representative may refuse to accept the returned goods. Changes in the appearance of item or the packaging that were necessary in order to inspect the product cannot be considered essential changes of item appearance.

6.5. If the purchased item did not meet the quality requirements, the Seller shall undertake to replace the item of poor quality with the item of suitable quality, to reduce the price of the item respectively or to return the money paid for the goods and delivery of within 7 days after submission of request. The goods must be returned in the original item and consignment package. The Buyer must also submit an original invoice of the item as well as completed and signed form of return, which must contain the reason for returning the goods.

7. Responsibility

7.1. The Buyer shall be responsible for the correctness of the information submitted in the registration form. The Buyer assumes responsibility for the consequences arising from the falsity or inaccuracy of the data given in the registration form.

7.2. The parties shall be liable for the violation of the purchase and sale agreement concluded using the e-shop according to the procedures established by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

7.3. The Buyer shall be responsible for the transfer of registration data to third parties. If third parties use the registration data of the Buyer, the Buyer shall be responsible for the actions taken by third party.

7.4. The Seller shall not be responsible for the information on the websites of other companies even if the Buyer gets to these pages via the links in the e-shop of the Seller.

7.5. In the event of the damage, the guilty party shall compensate the other Party for incurred losses.

8. Sending of information

8.1. The Seller shall send all notifications to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer in the registration form.

8.2. The Buyers shall send all notifications and questions to the address indicated in the section “Contacts” of the electronic shop of the Seller.

9. Final provisions

All disputes arising in respect of the implementation of these Rules shall be settled by negotiation. In case of failure to reach an agreement, the disputes shall be settled according to the procedures established by laws of the Republic of Lithuania.